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Tarot Spread Confusion? Don't Panic!

So, you've laid out your tarot cards, carefully chosen your spread, and... what's this? The cards don't fit the positions they're in. The Knight of Swords is in the "Past" position, but how does that relate to your recent history? The Tower is in the "Advice" spot; you feel pretty good right now.

Don't despair! Tarot Cards in confusing positions in a spread are pretty common, and there are a few ways to approach this "confusion":

Tarot Spread
3 Card Tarot Spread

Re-evaluate the Card Meanings

Deeper Dive: Tarot cards have multiple layers of meaning.

Consider the Suit: Swords often represent intellect, communication, and conflict. Perhaps the Knight of Swords in the "Past" indicates a period of intense mental activity or a past conflict that still lingers.

Upright vs. Reversed: Reversed cards indicate a changed meaning. A reversed Knight of Swords might suggest impulsiveness or a tendency to rush into things.

Look Beyond the Literal: Sometimes, the card's meaning is symbolic. The Tower, for example, can represent sudden change, upheaval, or the need to break down old structures. In the "Advice" position, it might suggest that you embrace change or let go of something that's no longer serving you.

Examine the Tarot Spread as a Whole

The Bigger Picture: Look at the overall story the cards tell. How do the cards interact with each other? Are there any repeating symbols or themes?

Focus on the Major Arcana: If you've pulled any Major Arcana cards, pay close attention to their influence on the spread. These cards often represent significant life events and archetypes.

Trust Your Intuition

Listen to Your Gut: Sometimes, the most accurate interpretations come from your inner knowing. What feelings or thoughts arise when you look at the cards?

Journaling: Write down your initial impressions, even if they seem illogical. Journaling can help you connect with your intuition and uncover more profound insights.

Consider Alternative Interpretations

Positional Flexibility: While spreads have traditional meanings for each position, the cards sometimes have a stronger message.

Consult Other Resources: If you're still stuck, consult a tarot book or seek guidance from an experienced reader.

Remember It's Just a Tool

Don't Get Attached: Tarot is a tool for self-reflection and guidance, not a fortune-telling machine.

Focus on the Journey: The most essential part of tarot reading is exploring the cards and connecting with your inner wisdom.

Ultimately, the best way to interpret a tarot reading is to trust your intuition and allow the cards to guide you on a journey of self-discovery.



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