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New Moon in Leo: Unleashing Your Inner Lion

The New Moon in Leo is a time for igniting our inner fire, embracing our creativity, and stepping into our power. This New Moon invites us to channel the courageous spirit of the lion and explore the depths of our authentic selves. Here, we are going to look at the links between the astrological, tarot, and Kabbalistic correspondences to gain deeper insights into this energy.

The Astrological Lion: Leo

Leo, ruled by the Sun, is a fiery, fixed sign associated with leadership, creativity, and self-expression. The New Moon in Leo is a powerful time for setting intentions related to personal power, confidence, and joy. This New Moon encourages us to shine our light brightly and embrace our unique talents.

The Tarot Strength Card: Courage and Compassion

The Strength card in the tarot is often misinterpreted as physical strength. However, it symbolises inner strength, courage, and compassion. It depicts a woman gently holding the mouth of a lion, representing control over primal instincts. Leo's energy calls for courage to embrace our authentic selves and harness our inner power.

11 Strength - Torus Tarot
11 Strength - Torus Tarot

The Hebrew Letter Chaf כ: The Open Palm

The Hebrew letter Chaf כrepresents a crown (literally) and a container (spiritually). It signifies giving and receiving, creation and destruction. Just as the lion possesses gentle and fierce qualities, Chaf כ embodies the duality of human nature. This letter encourages us to balance our inner power with compassion and empathy.

Hebrew Letter: Chaf כ on the Kabbalah Tree of Life
Hebrew Letter: Chaf כ

The Kabbalah Tree of Life: Chesed to Netzah

In the Kabbalah Tree of Life, the pathway from Chesed (Compassion) to Netzah (Victory) represents the journey from divine love to personal manifestation. Chesed is associated with abundance and generosity, while Netzah embodies creativity and personal power. The New Moon in Leo invites us to tap into the boundless energy of Chesed and channel it into creative expression, leading to personal victory.

Navigating the New Moon in Leo Energy

To harness the transformative power of the New Moon in Leo, consider the following tips:

  • Embrace your inner lion: Develop self-confidence and courage to pursue your passions.

  • Cultivate creativity: Explore different forms of artistic expression to connect with your inner child.

  • Practice self-compassion: Balance your inner strength with kindness and empathy towards yourself and others.

  • Set intentions for personal power: Define your goals and visualise your desired outcomes.

  • Give back to the community: Channel your abundance into acts of service and generosity.

By aligning ourselves with the energy of Leo, the Strength tarot card, the Hebrew letter Chaf כ, and the Chesed-Netzah pathway, we can unlock our full potential and create a life filled with passion, purpose, and joy.

Remember: The New Moon is a time for planting seeds of intention. What seeds are you ready to sow?


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